About KKD

KKD believes that education and prevention are the keys to long term success in dentistry and life in general.

Dental caries is one of the most common infectious diseases in children in Uganda and the world over. Furthermore, millions of school hours are lost every year due to dental related problems. However, this problem is highly preventable!  Kemlong Kids Dental is responding to this need by providing child-friendly community and school based dental services while putting emphasis on education and prevention.


Sound dental integrity of children in pre-school through primary school.


Kemlong Kids Dental's mission is to improve the dental health of children through provision of access to oral health education and preventive dental services.


Kemlong Kids Dental provides ongoing dental services to children, especially those facing limited access to dental care, with emphasis on prevention. We do dental out reaches in schools, orphanages, baby homes communities, child development centres and hard-to-reach areas like the islands on Lake Victoria.

General Information

Kemlong Kids Dental is proudly affiliated with many local, national and international foundations and organizations that support the mission of Kemlong Kids Dental and help to ensure the improved oral and overall health of underserved children!